

Swim The Wight is a social enterprise on the Isle of Wight who aim to make swimming in the seas around the Isle of Wight as accessible, safe and enjoyable as possible. We swim year round, several times a week, with regular, supervised sessions, whether you swim, dip, or bob.

We see an island where anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of ‘blue health’ is able to do so and like to promote a happy island!

Led by sea swimmers, for sea swimmers, we swim in all weathers and at different locations, as long as it is judged safe to do so on the day. To join us, either contact us directly (see form below) or pop along to one of the sessions in the events page.

We are also a NOWCA affiliated venue. Booking is available via their website https://nowca.org

If you fancy making a small donation, please visit Buy Me A Coffee so we can help even more people!

We offer acclimatisation sessions and introduction to sea swimming, regular sea swim sessions, personal or group coaching, cross-channel certification and more.

We provide expertise, enthusiasm, fun and support to everyone and anyone who wants to try out this healthy, outdoors, all year round activity to improve mental and physical health, to widen your social circle and be part of a fast growing group of crazy and fun loving people.

To keep everybody safe whilst in the water, we kindly request that you complete our health questionnaire here.

EVERYONE is welcome, as long as they are kind!


Week of Feb 17th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
17 February 2025(2 events)
18 February 2025
19 February 2025(1 event)
20 February 2025(1 event)
21 February 2025(1 event)

10:00 am: Friday Morning Subscriber Swim - Colwell Bay

21 February 2025

Colwell Bay
Colwell chine Road
22 February 2025(1 event)

10:00 am: Saturday Morning Subscriber Swim / Sea Cafe - Yaverland

22 February 2025

23 February 2025


Such Fun!

Such Fun!

It has taken a while… but finally we have added the ‘A-Lots’ to our shop – or rather our Teemill shop. We have been working with a local artist with some terrific ideas – Del Seymour – who created these designs with very little steer 

Health | Information | Safety

Weever Fish awareness

It is close to that time of year when the issue of weever fish rears its head – or rather their spines. There is quite a bit of good information out in the ether, https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/marine/fish-including-sharks-skates-and-rays/lesser-weever-fish gives you a good understanding of what they are and